Changelog: Angry Fred

V0.5.1 (Alpha-2)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed HP-Bar which dropped his limit of 50 visible bars at a time


  • RPG System
    • Obstacles will have HP with HP-Bar and the Forklift have now an Damage, which is displayed upon collision
    • Now, you will collect points only when destroying an Obstacle
    • Destroyed Obstacles disappear after some seconds

V0.5.0 (Alpha-1)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed areas which were unintentionally blocked to the Forklift
  • Fixed the forklift which was driving back in the wall and got stucked, when using reseting function (Y / Space)


  • Changed some settings in the physics, so objects doesn’t shake anymore, when driving on them
  • Some objects are now also moveable

V0.4.0 (Alpha-1)

This is our first public release for early testing.


  • Core Gameplay impemented